Refund Policy

All memberships are subject to a 7-day cooling-off period (which starts from the time that the membership application is received at the front counter).

  1. To terminate a membership within the cooling-off period, members must notify the Recquatic in writing that they wish to exercise their right to cool off.  The written notification can be submitted in person at the front counter, or via email to  If submitted via email, the date and time received will be taken from the incoming email.  If submitted in person, the date and time that the form is handed into the front desk must be recorded on the written request.
  2. If you cancel during the cooling-off period, any amount paid will be refunded less a charge for use of the centre which will be calculated based on the casual attendance rate.
  3. A member agrees to be a member of the Centre for the full period of time for which they are signing up.
  4. No refunds after the 7-day cooling-off period will be accepted without the grounds of extenuating circumstances that will disallow the member to continue use of their membership. For example, serious illness or injury, or moving substantially further away from the Centre. Cancellations will however remain at the discretion of the Centre Management.
  5. A minimum of four (4) weeks written notice is required to cancel a membership. You can continue to use your membership during the notification period. 
  6. All applications to cancel a membership must be made in writing, either using the relevant cancellation form or by emailing and providing your name, membership number, cancellation reason and date for cancellation (which must be at least 28 days after the date of the email).
  7. No refund fee applies if the credit is kept on your account for future use within the centre.  Credit may be used for other memberships, courses, swimming lessons, casual visits, pro-shop items and at the cafe.
  8. If a refund is requested, it will be subject to a $25 cancellation fee. Cancellations and refunds are processed at the end of the notice period, and all refunds are processed by the City's accounts department (refunds cannot be processed by Recquatic staff).  
  9. In situations where special ‘promotional’ memberships are cancelled, all promo benefits are forfeited, the 'used' portion will be calculated at full (not promotional) rate and cancellation/refund fees may apply.