My Account

User Guide

Manage your account, membership, details and more in our

Client Portal 

View more information on our membership options 

Browse our instructions to learn how to navigate our online customer portal and troubleshoot any issues you may experience. If you can't find what you're looking for and need further assistance, please call us on 9236 4700 or email us at

How to Log In

Already a Member

If you are a member, you will already have an account set up. Login into the Client Portal

Please use the email address you have provided us and set your password by selecting "Forgot Password'

An email will be sent to this email account to reset your password, please allow up to 10-15 minutes for this email to arrive.

This will be your password for future logins.

Creating an account

If you haven't visited us before, or do not have an existing account with us, please visit the online Client Portal. Select 'Join Now' and follow the prompts.

Not sure if you have an account?
  1. Click here for the Client Portal
  2. Select 'Forgot Password' A new page will load.
  3. Type in your email.
  4. Select 'Submit'
  5. If you have an account, you will receive an email to reset your password.
  6. If you do not have an account, a message will load stating 'Email address not found'.
  7. If your email address was not found this means there is no associated account to the email you entered. Existing members should contact the Centre to check their email address if this occurs.
  8. If you are not a member, please proceed back to the login screen and select 'Join Now' and follow the prompts. 

Manage your Account and Memberships

Guest Account or Membership


Signing up for any of membership options not only gives you access to the great facilities here at the Kwinana Recquatic, but also allows you to manage your accounts and bookings through the Client Portal.

As well as the use of our great facilities and services at the Centre, a membership also allows you;

  • Priority bookings into Group Fitness Classes
  • Priority Creche bookings
  • All the services listed below for the 'Guest Accounts'

Guest Account

Signing up for a 'Guest Account' through our Client Portal allows you online access to a lot of our services and will be essential to do the following;

  • Book into Group Fitness Classes
  • Enrol into Kwinana Swim School and Children's Programs
  • Make a facility / court booking
  • Book into Creche

A 'Guest Account' provides convenience and ease when planning your next visit to the Recquatic and you will be able to easily upgrade through your account when purchasing a membership.

Changing Payment Details
  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Select 'My Accounts'
  3. Select 'Payment Settings'
  4. Select the member or guest you wish to edit at the top of the screen
    1. If you are paying for a student's account, the bank account sits under the responsible persons / guest account details
  5. Select 'Add new payment method'
  6. Select which payment method you wish to update and select 'Next'
  7. Enter the new details and click 'Submit'
Checking Payments
  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Select 'My Accounts'
  3. You will be taken to the 'Edit profile' tab
  4. Go to the 'Payments' tab to check your payments
Updating your Details

You can access your online customer portal to update your payment details, postal address and phone number. For all other updates please contact the Centre 9236 4700.

  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Select 'My Accounts'
  3. You will be taken to the 'Edit Profile' tab
  4. Select the member or guest you wish to edit at the top of the screen
  5. Edit your details
  6. Select 'Save Changes'
Purchasing Visit Passes

To purchase any visit passes you will need to have a 'Guest Profile' before purchase.

  1. Go to the Client Portal
  2. Click 'Join Now'
  3. Select 'Guest Account' and follow the prompts to enter your information

Purchasing Visit Pass

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Click on the 'Shop' icon at the top of the page
  3. Select the product you require and click 'Add to Cart'
  4. Follow the prompts and make payment

Group Fitness

How to book a Group Fitness class online
  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Select 'Book' from the main menu
  3. Select 'Group Fitness' from the sub menu
  4. Use the category filter to select your activity type i.e. 'Group Fitness', 'Aquatic Fitness' etc
  5. Find your class you want to book and select 'Book Now'
  6. Select 'Book Now' again
    1. Accounts with multiple payment plans will be prompted which individual they wish to register
  7. Make Payment (casuals only)
    1. Pay for a single session via credit / debit card

Credit / Debit card

  1. Enter your credit / debit card details
  2. Make payment
  3. Check your email for confirmation
How to cancel a Group Fitness booking
  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Cancel booking
    1. Navigate to 'My Bookings'
    2. Select 'Cancel Booking'


Please note that up-front, off-peak and FIFO memberships are not available to buy online.

How to buy a Membership online
  1. Visit the Client Portal
  2. Select 'Join Now'
  3. Select the membership type and select 'Next'
  4. Select your contract start date
  5. Register your details, create your password and select 'Next'
  6. Check your summary, complete the membership agreement and select 'Next'
  7. Make payment
    1. Select your preferred payment method (bank details or credit card / debit card) for your contract and select 'Next'

Note: If a 'concession' membership type is selected we will request a valid concession card on your first visit. If a valid concession card is not held the membership will be moved to the non-concession option.

Payment Methods

Please note that the details you enter will be linked to your contract for all future payments. You can change your payment details in the future using your online Client Portal.

Bank Details

  1. Enter you bank details
  2. You will be taken to the payment gateway to make your initial payment which will need to be made by a credit / debit card
  3. Make payment

Credit / Debit Card

  1. Enter your credit / debit card details
  2. Make payment
  3. Contract confirmation

You will receive an email confirming that you are now a member with your contract attached.

Membership Information

Paying Membership Fees

Pay fortnightly by Direct Debit

Memberships are paid fortnightly by direct debit. You can pay from any of your accounts that allow direct debit, including a credit card account.

Debits are made Thursday each fortnight (or the following business day its it's a Public Holiday). It may take a few days for the debit to show on your account.

Your obligations with direct debit

You must ensure that you:

  1. have enough money in your account on the direct debit date, and up to five days after
  2. make any changes to your direct debit details at least 48 hours before a payment is due
  3. request in writing and give us 28 days written notice if you want to cancel your membership

Payment Failures

If your direct debit fails, we will:

  1. notify you by SMS, email or post, so make sure you keep your contact details up to date
  2. charge a $10 administration fee
  3. ask you to pay the outstanding amount at your next visit to the Centre or add it to your next direct debit. You can also pay via the Client Portal: Accounts - Payments - tick outstanding pament - pay
  4. we will continue to debit your account for any amounts outstanding, after making reasonable efforts to contact you

Changes to fees and other membership conditions

We will give you at least 28 days written notice of any changes to membership fees. We reserve the right to change other membership conditions, including opening hours, services and facilities.

Freezing your Membership

You can freeze your membership for a minimum of 7 days. To do this you must:

  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Select 'My Accounts'
  3. Select 'Contract Details'
  4. Select your membership 
  5. Select 'Add Freeze'
  6. Follow the prompts to freeze your membership

Note: A membership freeze cannot be backdated. Pro-rata membership payments may be applicable dependent on when the freeze is commenced and finished in your payment schedule.

Cancelling your Membership

You must give us 28 days notice in writing to cancel your membership. You must pay all outstanding fees before you can cancel. Cancellation requests can be submitted via this online form.

Kwinana Swim School

Setting up your Child | Family on your Account

If you already hold a membership, you can log in as per normal via our Client Portal and set up your family here.

If you are not a member: You will need to set up a guest profile in the system.

  1. Go to the Client Portal
  2. Click 'Join Now'
  3. Select 'Guest Account' and follow the prompts to enter your information
  4. Navigate to 'Account' and select 'Family'
  5. Select 'Add Family Member'
  6. Select 'Create your guest account' then 'next' and repeat
  7. Complete all details for your child
Enrolling into Swim School Classes
  1. Log into the Client Portal
  2. Select 'Book' on the top menu and then 'Programs' under this.
  3. You will then be presented with the timetable of available bookings. This can be filtered to show only the programs relevant to you.
  4. Select the class you wish to enrol in, and a pop-up will appear with all family members attached to your account. Note: if the child is not at the correct level for the selected class you will not be able to book them in.
  5. Payment options will then be confirmed.
  6. A summary will be presented of the booking, plus a confirmation of agreement to the terms and conditions.
  7. Follow the remaining prompts to complete the booking and make payment. 

Facility | Stadium Bookings

Exciting things are coming. Stay tuned and check back soon.

Creche Bookings

Kwinana Recquatic is excited to introduce a new booking system for parents booking their children into Creche. 

This online booking system means parents can book their child into Creche securing their spot early. Access times will depend on your membership type.

From Monday 27 January email requests will no longer be accepted. Bookings for the week commencing 3 February 2025 will be via the new online booking system.

Booking times will depend on your membership type.

Premium Memberships7 days in advance
Standard Memberships5 days in advance
Casual Members2 days in advance

Payment for bookings will be taken at the time of booking your child. Your spot is not confirmed until payment is made.

Enrolling and setting up your children

To register your child for Creche all families are required to complete the online Creche Enrolment Form which you can access here.

We are requesting all families complete this form so that we can ensure we have up-to-date information.

If you are not a member: You will need to set up a guest profile in the system.

  1. Go to the Client Portal
  2. Click 'Join Now'
  3. Select 'Guest Account' and follow the prompts to enter your information
  4. Navigate to 'Account' and select 'Family'
  5. Select 'Add Family Member'
  6. Select 'Create your guest account' then 'next' and repeat
  7. Complete all details for your child

Only ONE parent will add the children to their profile. If you require both parents to see the children on their profile, please email to have this setup for you. Both parents will require a guest account or membership for this to occur.

Once all parties are set up in the Client Portal, and the enrolment form has been completed and sent, the Kwinana Recquatic team will set up your child's access membership based on the parent membership / guest status.

Once you receive the confirmation email you can now book your child into the Creche.

Booking your child into Creche

If you have not completed the “Enrolling and setting up your children” instructions found directly above, you will not be able to book your child into creche.

Once completed follow these instructions.

  1. Log in to Client Portal
  2. Navigate to “Book”
  3. Navigate to “Facility”
  4. Navigate to “Facility Type” – This will give you a drop-down box
  5. Select the relevant session and age group you are looking for
  6. Select the time you want to commence. NOTE: If you want to start on the 15 min, open the hour and you can select preferred time.
  7. Select the child you are booking in from drop down box.
  8. Select start time, how long, click next
  9. Review screen and click Book.
  10. Depending on your membership you will now be taken to the payment screen.
  11. You will then see a confirmation screen
How to cancel your crèche booking
  1. Log in to Client Portal
  2. Navigate to “My bookings”
  3. Find the relevant booking to cancel and click “Cancel Booking”

Fitness Passport Member

A new more streamline way to access the Centre is here!

Set up a Guest account if you don't already have one;

  1. Go to the Client Portal
  2. Click 'Join Now'
  3. Select 'Guest Account' and follow the prompts to enter your information

Once you have a guest account set up, visit out reception team with your current Fitness Passport identification card and our friendly team will add your membership, take your photo and issue your FOB.